Specify how folders open

Microsoft Windows XP automatically chooses how to display folders based on the types of files they contain. For example, Windows XP displays your My Pictures folder in either Filmstrip or Thumbnails view so that you can see the pictures without opening the files. However, Windows XP displays your My Music folder in Tiles view so that you can see the names of the songs. In this article, you’ll learn the difference between each type of view and how to change your folder settings for individual folders or for all the folders on your computer.

Change the view for a single folder

If you are not satisfied with the way Windows XP displays a folder, you can change it by clicking the Views button on the toolbar and then selecting one of the following options:
Filmstrip. Displays a row of thumbnails (reduced images of pictures) and a large preview of the currently selected picture. Filmstrip view is perfect for folders that contain a few pictures.
My Pictures folder displayed in Filmstrip view
Thumbnails. Displays thumbnails of pictures and videos. Thumbnails view is the best choice for folders containing a large number of pictures.
My Pictures folder displayed in Thumbnails view
Tiles. Displays large icons, file names, and file information for each file.
My Pictures folder displayed in Tiles view
Icons. Displays medium-sized icons and file names for each file.
My Pictures folder displayed in Icons view
List. Displays small icons and file names for each file.
My Pictures folder displayed in List view
Details. Displays small icons, file names, and other information about each file. Details view allows you to quickly sort files by clicking the column headings.
My Pictures folder displayed in Details view

Change the view for all folders

Clicking the Views button allows you to change the view for only the folder you currently have open. You can also reset the view for all folders.
To reset the view for all folders
1.Click Start, and then click My Documents.
Start menu with My Documents selected
2.Click the Views button, and then click the view that you want to apply to all folders.
Views button
3.Click Tools, and then click Folder Options.
Tools menu with Folder Options selected
4.Click the View tab, and then click Apply to All Folders.
View tab in Folder Options dialog box
5.Click Yes.
Folder views dialog box
6.Click OK.
View tab in Folder Options dialog box with OK button selected
The next time you open a folder, it will be displayed using the view you chose. To restore your original folder settings, repeat steps 1-3. Then, for step 4, click Reset All Folders.


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